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Dayna Spiring to depart Economic Development Winnipeg

Dayna Spiring. Photo: Tyler Walsh/Economic Development Winnipeg.
Dayna Spiring. Photo: Tyler Walsh/Economic Development Winnipeg.

Economic Development Winnipeg (EDW) announced today that current president and CEO Dayna Spiring will leave her role this summer.

“I am incredibly proud of what we have built at EDW. Since joining the organization our revenues have more than doubled, our mandate has continued to expand and we have assembled a talented team of professionals who are some of the best in the country at what they do,” said Spiring. “Every day, we are selling Winnipeg to the world, showcasing our many advantages to visitors and investors, and we are positioning our city on the global stage. I believe the organization has never been stronger and now seems like the right time to pass the baton.”

Spiring has held the position for over seven years, and during her tenure oversaw Winnipeg’s successful bids for the 2023 World Police and Fire Games and the 2025 Grey Cup, the city’s designation as the World’s Most Intelligent Community for 2021 and the launch of Winnipeg’s new place brand, Made from what’s real.

The EDW board of directors is engaged with People First HR Services to seek Spiring’s successor.

“We are very grateful to Dayna for all that she has accomplished at EDW and for her tremendous leadership. We know that her determination, commitment to excellence, and vision for this city will be very difficult to replace,” said Bill Parrish Jr., EDW board chair and chairman at Parrish & Heimbecker Ltd.


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